GraceTALK, May 2024
Brett Goodell   -  

We value asking questions to better understand how to live life in a God-centered, Christ-exalting way. We believe that church should be the best place in which people can get solid answers to life’s questions from God’s Word.

  1. (01:10) My sister committed suicide over ten years ago. We didn’t think she had a relationship with Christ, but her employer told us that she had recently gotten saved. What does the Bible say about suicide and where a Christian who has committed suicide will spend eternity?
  2. (12:32) What does the Bible say about cremation? Is it wrong for Christians to choose cremation?
  3. (22:42) How do I know I am a Christian? I struggle to find the balance between realizing I don’t live the type of life that Christ would approve I am not perfect. However, I also know that the Father accepts me based on Christ’s life, death, and resurrection in my place. I feel the tension in these two perspectives and want to get a better handle on how I should think about this.