(11/24 - 11/30)

Renew your commitment and focus to live all of life for the purpose of representing and reflecting God’s glory.

1 Peter 2: 9 & 10

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

Daily Dwellings

Session 1

What does this indicate about who God is?

Contemplate the multi-faceted beauty of God’s nature as revealed in this passage.

Verbalize your appreciation for and value of God’s glory to him.

Session 2

What does this indicate about who God is?

Ponder the implications these truths have upon how you see and understand the world you live in and the life you live in it.

Consider the distinction between who God has revealed himself to be and how rightly your life represents and reflects what he has shown you.

Ask our Lord to align your living with what he has revealed about himself.

Session 3

What does this indicate about who God is?

Meditate upon how this passage impacts your understanding and appreciation of the Gospel.

Dwell upon Christ’s redeeming work and how it empowers you to represent and reflect what God has revealed about himself in this passage.

Thank our Lord for your redemption and restoration to him through the work of Christ Jesus.

Fasting Focus

Be filled and satisfied with these truths:

Before the foundations of the Earth were made, God chose you to be part of his own special people.

God has chosen and called you to the privilege of representing and proclaiming his excellencies.

Your eyes have been opened to the light of God that delivers you from the darkness of this fallen world.

Proclamation Prompts

Proclamation Prompts for this Thanksgiving week will be provided as part of the 11/24 corporate worship service.