Women of Grace
The Women of Grace Ministry exists to reach, build, and equip women in the character and priorities of Christ. Jesus spent time with His disciples and built into their lives, teaching them His ways and how to follow them. In the same way, we believe it is important to develop relationships that move toward equipping women to be more like Christ, to spread the fame of God. We seek to pursue this mission in all of our activities, whether in social events, prayer or service opportunities, or Bible study.

Our social events and ladies’ lunch opportunities are times we seek to reach ladies with the gospel and with relationships that will grow into deeper opportunities of building each other up and equipping each other to share the gospel.

As we meet together in Bible study, book groups, prayer groups, retreat events, and service groups, our desire is to encourage women to grow deeper in their knowledge of God and the amazing grace and love He has lavished on us (Ephesians 1:8 and 1 John 3:1).

Through small groups, prayer groups, and service opportunities, we seek to equip ladies to care for one another and to share the gospel with our lost friends and family and our community.
Ultimately, the desire of the Women of Grace ministry is to see lives transformed by the life and power of Christ. As we seek to be women who display the character and priorities of Christ that are laid out in His word and displayed in His life, our prayer is that we will spread the fame of our great God!